Gota callback

February 6, 2009 at 5:30 am Leave a comment

Yeah its happening.Got a callback for a major film focusing on the war in Sudan.

What a audition.I rocked up in desert soldiers uniform for the casting.Was given an introduction to the producer.After doing my profiles it started.I pulled out the cooked sheep tounge and smeared my face full of it.Did what I needed to do,say my goodbyes and I was off.

Okay,so when it comes to castings I’ve been around the block a few times.You go in,you do you best and then all you can is wait and boy have I been waiting.Hopefully you’ve got what they looking for”The Look,’ as I like to call it.

Then it starts to happen like something straight out of a movie.2 days later I,m buying a cappucino for someone in Camps Bay,as I walk back to the car I recognise a guy sitting back and enjoying all that Camps Bay has to offer and yeah it’s him alright,Mr Producer himself.

We greet and then he says”That sheep tounge thing was gross man but kinda cool.” He looks at me then laughs.he’s out having supper with some amazing people.The cappucino was getting cold.We said our goodbyes and I was on my way.

Come Monday and I get a call from Tasneem at E.R.M Stars my acting agency.Tas asks if I’m freefor part of  Feb till mid March,I ask why,she says that i been cast as a Sudanese soldier.

Well well well,lets just say I’ve got a new found respect for sheep tounge.

Entry filed under: Film & Tv.

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